The longest month of the year, everyone is skint after spending on gifts for loved ones and over indulging on scrummy food. We got paid early for Christmas and have to wait to long 5 weeks before another payday.

It’s not surprising that this month will see a rise in people suffering from January Blues and so I plan on joining the #secretgiveaway collective to give away some free goodies so keep your eye pealed.

Again I am quiet on social media, I know I should be better and it helps to remind people who I am so they can grab goodies when needed but I just don’t like constantly posting for the sake of posting.

Just a short post today as I might be quiet on social but I have been very busy making Shampoo Bars and getting them assessed so I can sell them. They are nearly ready, I have decided I need a new mould for them though. A new mould means I can make them a tiny bit thinner without loosing the weight of them and I will be able to fit them through the post as a large letter. This doesn’t seem like much but it means the postage cost drops by over £2! And I can pass this saving easily onto you all.

Bye for now x

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