Just wanted to post a quick Hello, as I’m currently sat in a waiting room while my three littles are upstairs doing a dance class, well I assume they are taking part. They might just be stood at the side watching πŸ™ˆ.

It’s the first time we have come to this dance class so I didn’t know what to expect when we arrived. I was very surprised when we got here and then all the kids were taken upstairs and the parents were left downstairs.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind leaving my children in the care of others but I have to admit I’m a little disappointed I’m not upstairs with them throwing out some Ol’Skool dance moves 🀣 or at least watching them have fun.

You may have seen on my social media that I took a little time out from work yesterday and went to a local Pottery shop, to take part in a glass fusion class. I had so much fun designing a Sea Scape and an Owl. The best bit for me though was having a chat to some other local people. As you can imagine I don’t get a lot of adult conversation that isn’t interrupted by my kids πŸ˜‚ I’m really looking forward to how they turn out and I’ll be sure to post them for you all to see. I haven’t really got much to say about work at the moment. I am desperately busy trying to get the shaped soaps set up on the website as well as making a bigger range for you. Hopefully they will be available in the next few days and I will add more as they are made. If you do have any particular design, fragrance or colour that would like please do get in touch and I’ll see what I can do ☺️.

Bye for now x

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