Hello stranger’s, so you may have noticed that I have been missing for the last few months. Not only has life been busy, but I have also been poorly. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes back in June and it’s taken a while to get my head and body around the changes. I’ll do a separate post about this for those interested.

My girls got the school we wanted for them. We were all really excited for them to start and wanted to make the most of our last few weeks together. Luckily we made contact with other parents whose children started at the same time and had a few play dates. C was excited to see all his friends again and the summer holidays just disappeared.

The first half term has also disappeared from under me. I have a new part time job working in an office with some truly lovely people. This does mean that for the first time in about 6 years we are trying to figure out how to life once again. It has been hard being a stay at home mum for the last 5 years and I understood being a working parent was also hard but the challenges are completely different. I honestly thought the only drama was trying to figure out child care when at work. It didn’t dawn on me for one second that trying to keep up with the housework and life admin would also be massively affected.

Next year I am hoping to start bringing new products, shaped bath bombs and an essential oil range are first on my hit list. We shall be saying goodbye to big bars of soap as well. After some feedback I’ve found people find them too big, they last too long so people cut them in half, but actually they prefer the shaped soaps, so I will be focusing on them more.

What’s next for the rest of 2023?! Well I have signed up to two fantastic markets. The first being at Bespoke Brewery in Littledean! I absolutely love this market and have a complete blast every year I’ve been. It’s in two weeks Saturday 25th Nov. The next market is at Hunts Grove Primary school, I did this one in the summer and really enjoyed myself, so have decided to come back again. This one is a little later on Saturday 9th December, but will be the last one I’m doing this year. Hope to see you at one of my markets.

Bye for now x

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