Sorry for stopping the story there but it felt like a good place to have a break. I don’t want to bore you all to death.

So I left off after being told my results but not being told what this meant. I wasn’t able to book an appointment to see the doctor until nearly 2 weeks later. The receptionist said this was ok as it wasn’t urgent.

I spent most of the morning pondering what they meant by not urgent, it was clear by my results that I was a diabetic and my result was nearly double what it should be.

I phoned up in the afternoon and said I knew the results meant I was a diabetic and could the Dr get me started on the medication he planned on putting me on please so I could make a start on getting it under control.

I was hoping this would help me as I was struggling to eat because I was so worried about how everything would affect my blood sugar levels. Not long after the call and a prescription for Metformin was at my pharmacy. I started it the next day after being told I would most likely have a poorly tummy for a few days

No worries I thought, I’ll just spend the next few days at home. Fast forward three weeks and I’m still poorly with D&V. I’m struggling to keep food down at times and feel faint and woozy the rest of the time. I was also absolutely exhausted and spent most afternoons asleep.

I gave up and spoke to the receptionist again, who passed on a message to the Dr. Another prescription was sent to the pharmacy this time for slow release Metformin, however it had absolutely no information. Luckily the pharmacist was helpful, they explained again that I would have an upset stomach and that I should take it in the morning.

I had another terrible three weeks off D&V but this time with severe stomach cramps. I called the drs but they couldn’t get me in and I had a holiday booked. We cut the holiday short, partly because I was struggling so much and partly because the weather was naff!

Upon our return I got to see the practice nurse, who explained diabetes to me and what to expect. I got to ask a load of questions and was told I shouldn’t have waited so long if I was struggling on the medication. I didn’t know that, nobody has warned me the side effect should only be for a few days. I arrange to see the Dr the next day.

He wanted to put me on a new medication straight away but by this point I was broken… 6 weeks of sickness, diarrhea, dizzy spells, cramps, exhaustion, and feeling faint. I felt like a complete failure, I had missed spending time with my family and wasn’t able to look after the kids at times. I had also missed Brize Fest which was a market I had been looking forward to doing all year.

I couldn’t cope anymore so asked for a break. I got 2 weeks med free to make sure my symptoms were caused by the medication. Thankfully the next day absolutely all of the symptoms disappeared! I actually felt human again.

After the two weeks I felt a lot better and was ready to try the new medication. I have had no problems with it so far and my second HbA1c was down to 54 which is a really good level for a diabetic 😊

Sorry for whittling on so much and thank you for sticking with me if you have got this far. Hopefully my next posts will be more upbeat and have information about Self a Steam and what the business is up to.

Bye for now x

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